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Research-oriented Physician with an Innovative Approach to Cancer Treatments: Dr Daniel Thomas

On this podcast episode from Besties with Breasties we chat with Dr. Thomas who is a forward-thinking, research-oriented physician with a wealth of education, experience, and expertise. With a career spanning over thirty years, he has helped people worldwide by providing innovative solutions for reversing disease, improving health, and extending lifespan.

His strength lies in his scientific curiosity, creative and analytical thinking, and practical application of groundbreaking biomedical research. Despite the rigors of full-time medical practice, to stay at the forefront and continuously improve the care of his patients, Dr. Thomas dedicates 20-30 hours each week to reviewing the latest scientific publications to uncover potentially promising treatments.

Join us in the continuation of our medical skepticism series as we explore his practice outside of "standard of care" treatment and incorporate emerging research in the treatment of cancer.

Faith Through Fire is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose Mission is to reduce the Fear and Anxiety that breast cancer patients feel and replace it with hope and a path towards thriving. We do this through, which can be implemented nationwide. We also host educational supports in person and virtually to help patients peer mentorship overcome the trauma of breast cancer.

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