🎙️✨ Join us for a thought-provoking discussion in our medical skepticism series. In this episode, we sit down with Moyra, a new survivor, and dig into her mindset around health and how it brings peace in making choices in cancer care.
Our guest survivor shares her deeply personal journey, offering profound insights into her mindset and the role it played in her cancer care decisions. Discover how skepticism towards conventional medical approaches led her to explore alternative paths, and find out how cultivating a mindset of empowerment and trust in her body brought her peace amidst uncertainty.
Tune in to explore the intersection of mindset and health in cancer care, and be inspired by stories of resilience, empowerment, and finding peace in choices. Together, let's ignite conversations that challenge norms and empower individuals on their healing journeys.
Faith Through Fire is a 501c3 Non-Profit, it's Mission is to reduce the Fear and Anxiety that breast cancer patients feel and replace it with hope and a path towards thriving. We do this through peer mentorship, which can be implemented nationwide. We host educational supports in-person and virtually to help overcome the trauma of breast cancer.
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