Seven years ago, on Valentine's Day (2018), Sarah Hall faced a life-changing breast cancer diagnosis. Today, she reflects on the journey, the healing from helping others, and the incredible impact of Faith Through Fire’s breast cancer mentor program. 💕
Mentorship isn’t just about giving—it’s about finding purpose, connection, and healing through shared experiences. If you’re a survivor looking to make a difference, consider becoming a breast cancer mentor and guiding someone walking the path you once did. Your story has power. Your support brings hope.
💖 Join our Mentor Program today!
👉 Subscribe for more survivor stories, support, and encouragement!
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Faith Through Fire is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to reduce the Fear and Anxiety that breast cancer patients feel and replace them with hope and a path toward thriving. We do this through peer mentorship, which can be implemented nationwide. We also host educational support both in person and virtually to help patients overcome the trauma of breast cancer.
Facebook: / faithroughfire
Instagram: / faithroughfire
Faith Through Fire is a 501c3 Non-Profit, it's Mission is to reduce the Fear and Anxiety that breast cancer patients feel and replace it with hope and a path towards thriving. We do this through peer mentorship, which can be implemented nationwide. We host educational supports in-person and virtually to help overcome the trauma of breast cancer.